massage therapy & bodywork


  • Massage

    Massage service uniquely tailored to meet your need using various techniques such as swedish for relaxation, therapeutic deep tissue, trigger point therapy, marma therapy, aromatherapy, cupping, hot and/or cold stones. Pressure ranges from feather light touch to deep tissue based on your preference.

    30 minutes/$45

    60 minutes/$75

    90 minutes/$105

    120 minutes/$135

  • Migraine & Headache Relief

    This is effective for those who suffer from constant headaches and migraines. This treatment will include aromatherapy, neck & shoulder massage and marma treatment on head, neck and shoulders.

    30 minute/$35

    60 minute/$65

  • hand and foot massage

    Soothing therapy by applying pressure to marma points that may be blocked with toxins and gently massaging providing relief from aches and pains, dryness, stiffness, fatigue and numbness.

    30 minutes/$30

    45 minutes/$45

    60 minutes/$60

    Can be hands only, feet only or a combination of both.

  • aromatherapy

    During this treatment nourishing and soothing Ayurvedic herbal oils will be gently dropped along your spine like rain followed by a warm compress to release any tension and trapped energy and a gentle massage on your hands, feet and scalp.

    60 minutes/$75

    90 minutes/$105

  • IonCleanse foot detox

    Promotes a sense a calm, less brain fog and deeper, better sleep. You may feel lighter, more energetic, clearer thinking and reduced stress. An ionic foot detox supports your body's natural detox abilities by allowing the body to remove excess toxins. During the session you will see the cleansing process take place as the water changes colors.

    60.00 This price includes 4 sessions